Sunday, September 20, 2009

Project complete - sort of

I was finally inspired to finish my window pane art. I have turned it into a piece that could be changed easily. I attached the pictures to the wall instead of directly on the window because I could not find a way to put them on non-permanently. The pictures I used are of my parents on their wedding day as well as my grandparents on my dad's side on their wedding. I never met my grandpa because he died when my dad was a teenager so this picture is pretty special. I had never seen it before I found it mixed in with some photos at my parent's house. The other photo is me and my boyfriend in the airport when he came home on leave. I want to change it to a photo of my grandparents on my mom's side but I have not had a chance to get a picture of them.

It is going to look great with my new couch, which is being delivered tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Don't be knockin on that sweet hand-me-down leather couch . . .
