Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our first find

This blog was hatched from an idea that my partner in crime and I had. It was an idea to road trip around the country in an RV stopping at various vintage stores/thrift stores. That is only the tip of the iceberg of our plan but that's the basic idea. Until we venture on this trip, we have been making small trips locally in search of our crystal squirrel. We have found some interesting things on our journeys so far and will hopefully find more as time goes on.
Our first big find was window panes. Keels bought one too. I will try to get a picture of it.Usually our ideas start with a project and I had this idea to transform an old window pane into some kind of wall art. We got the idea from a local vintage store that is decorated with old windows and picture frames.
So we went on our hunt to the local flea market on a Saturday in June. It just so happened that there was a festival going on at the same fairgrounds as the flea market. Needless to say, it was pretty crowded. One our car ride to the grounds, which is usually the most entertaining part of our trips, we were talking about what we hoped to find that day. We were joking about how you have to visualize the objects and they will just find you somehow. So we visualized our window pane. We browsed some booths and didn't find much. We were walking down the path and at the end was a lot with what else? A cart full of window panes! After some hesitation we each purchased one after talking to the vendor man. Price: $25 Keels' cost: $65 but her's was cooler.

Lesson learned that day: I am a little possessive about my independence. The man who sold us the window was talking about how we could drill some hinges on the back so we could hang it on the wall. He said 'yeah, just get your dad or boyfriend to drill the hook in' and I snapped at him saying 'I can use a drill myself. I don't need a man to do it!'. Oops.
The window pane is still sitting in my living room, without hooks on the back, unfinished..BUT it is a work in progress. And we had a good time finding it.

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