Sunday, September 27, 2009

On the Edge of Edgecombe County

There is a special place in eastern North Carolina just past Rocky Mount and right before Tarborro where for a brief moment you are on the Edge of Edgecombe county. This weekend, Ging and I had the pleasure of passing through when took a spontaneous trip to country roads of the eastern part of the state. I was going to Williamston to volunteer Friday night and like the good friend and business partner she is, Gina came along for the adventure. After stopping in Williamston to do some good, we ventured on through Edenton and then on to our final destination Elizabeth City. After treating ourselves to the "fancy" hotel, we spent the day scrummaging around the metropolis of the king's daughter. We found the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughter thrift store like a moth to a flame. After purchasing four men's shirts and a cute little white chair, we found ourselves at the Colonial Restaurant, where apparently, roosters are in and crazy old ladies are even more in fad. A grill cheese and a mysterious pitcher of sugar later, we headed back west. 
On our drive back we were getting increasingly excited about passing through the Edge of Edgecombe county again, when alas, there was a sign on the highway warning us of "event traffic." Naturally, we went against the sign's advice and took the exit. And it is a good thing we did because it just so happens that it was "Historic Day" in Tarborro, NC and from what the owner of the antique store on Main Street said - it is a big deal. Imagine this - two girls in an old blue car named Linus talking about the Civil War and looking at beautiful old southern homes when suddenly they turn a corner and BAM there are children reenacting the Civil War. Yes, children dressed up like confederate soldiers chasing each other with guns (and my personal favorite, one rather large child wearing real camo, apparently no one was a stickler about historical accuracy).  
So thank you eastern NC because now we have a country music  department at the Crystal Squirrel and thanks to Edgecombe County - our first single is bound to be a huge hit.

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