Sunday, September 20, 2009

hang a left after the fake cow

It was another exciting weekend and another new adventure for Ging & Keels. This time there were no thrift stores or flea markets, no internet or tv, no air conditioning or electricity. Nope, this was some good ole fashioned campin'. Keels and I had been wanting to go camping all summer but this weekend, it finally came to fruition. We had an eclectic group of folks joining us at campsite 38.

Keels and I left work an hour early, hoping to get out to the campsite and set up before the others joined us. We got to her house after picking up the rest of the supplies and we embarked on our adventure.
Judging by this photo, you might think we were going camping for the week, but nay, we camped for just one night. I have been camping before but never in a tent so this was going to be a new experience. We decided not to venture to far away so we chose a campground about 15 miles from home. After a little misdirection, we managed to help everyone find their way to the campsite. We had already set up the tents when they arrived.Yeah, we did that! After the tents were set up, the firewood arrived and we started cooking. Thanks to Mark, we had a fabulous dinner. And then Will and Geoff did a little star gazing.
And then we made smores.And I dropped a marshmallow on the ground.
Then Keels fell over in a broken chair.
It was a good night. No rain, cool weather. I did wake up about 3 times in paralyzing fear that a bear was going to come into our campsite. I knew it was nearly impossible but I couldn't help but think about it. In the morning I woke up to Luke (who was in the small tent) in a bit of a panic because there was a huge spider on the outside of his tent and he said he had been staring at it for a couple hours. Finally Mark swatted the spider away as Luke hid inside of the tent. Unfortunately, it was not only a really big spider, but it had hundreds of baby spiders attached to was pretty disgusting.Then we ate bagels. After everyone left that morning, Keels and I hung out for a few hours, enjoying nature. Can't wait to see what next weekend brings.

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